Little now remains of the Dursley Branch Line, particularly at the Dursley
end of the line which has been heavy developed by industrial building
within the Lister's site. Indeed in 2003 this work is continuing with new
regeneration plans for the whole area. North of Lister's, Quag bridge was
demolished immediately after the line closed and no sign at all remains.
However, at Everlands in Cam, where the line ran close to the road, perhaps
the most unlikely survivor is the old footbridge, known as Gallows Bridge,
which stands in isolation, although usually heavily overgrown with vegetation.
The trackbed here is reasonably distinct, although not passable due to
significant undergrowth. Cam Station has also disappeared and the only
sign left is the Railway Inn and the name of the street on which it stands,
Station Road.
From this point, the trackbed becomes slightly more defined, especially
beyond the Coop supermarket at the bottom of Cam Pitch where portions
of it are accessible, although on private land. The bridge over the River
Cam still stands, probably due to its solid concrete construction and
north of this point the trackbed is clear up to the point where it meets
Box Road, the route to the new Cam
& Dursley Station. The largest surviving construction on the whole
route is the old Goods Shed building at Coaley Junction, now part of a
small industrial development.