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Dursley News - August 2015

It's currently holiday season so things have slowed down and there aren't too many developments this month. One thing that is now underway is the program of work to improve the sports facilities at the town's swimming pool. This will involve an extension to the building which will require demolition of the toilet block in Castle Street and consequently the area is fenced off prior to work starting. Elsewhere there is plenty of evidence of 'Dursley in Bloom' as tubs of very colourful flowers have appeared all over town making a very pleasant sight.

  Picture Gallery (Click on picture for larger view)

Swimming pool building work begins
Work has now started on extended the swimming pool building and adding more facilities. For this to go ahead the old toilet block in Castle Street is to be demolished.
(August 30th 2015 - copyright Andrew Barton)


Toilet block is prepared for demolition
Fencing surrounds the toilet block in readiness for demolition.
(August 30th 2015 - copyright Andrew Barton)


Swimming pool building work
The diggers are going in at the front of the swimming pool during ground work preparation.
(August 30th 2015 - copyright Andrew Barton)


Broadwell flowers
More of the colourful tubs, this time one at the Broadwell.
(August 3rd 2015 - copyright John Wilkes)


Flowers in Castle Street
A view along Castle Street showing one of the very colourful flower-filled tubs that have been planted up around town.
(August 6th 2015 - copyright John Wilkes)


Dursley Bowling Club
A great view across the bowling green towards the side of the Priory building.
(August 31st 2015 - copyright Andrew Barton)


Chantry 'Secret Garden'
Ongoing work at the 'secret garden' behind the Lister Hall, part of the Chantry in Long Street.
(August 3rd 2015 - copyright John Wilkes)


Old Bell re-opens
The Old Bell (now renamed 'Ye Olde Dursley Hotel', though still called the Old Bell locally) has re-opened after being granted a new license.
(August 31st 2015 - copyright Andrew Barton)

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