The weekend of 20th-22nd September 2013 saw an interesting event in Dursley when a large group of German, Austrian and Dutch cyclists, riding reproduction Dursley Pedersen bicycles, arrived in the town having spent the previous week cycling from Dover. The Friday was spent visiting Lister Shearing and touring historic properties in town, including those associated with Mikael Pedersen himself, notably Raglan House, the Pin-Mill and his grave. This was followed by a reception with the Mayor in Dursley Town Hall, where certificates and commemorative mugs were given to all the riders. Saturday saw the group cycle to Gloucester along the tow-path of the Gloucester-Sharpness to visit the Folk museum where original Dursley Pedersen cycles were on display. The cyclists left on the Sunday morning to make their way back to Dover via minibus.
Elsewhere in town the Lloyds-TSB Bank building at the top of Long Street has taken on a new identity following the de-merger of the two banks. It's now just Lloyds Bank while the old Cheltenham & Gloucester building in Parsonage Street has become the TSB. |