Lots of activity this month which saw the staging of an exhibition by the Heritage Centre to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the formation of R.A. Lister & Co. in 1867. Lister-Petter brought along several engines, old and new, which were placed under the Market House and upstairs in the Town Hall and in the Heritage Centre itself there were numerous displays of artefacts, paperwork and photographs which attracted more than 200 people to the town. Many old acquaintances were renewed as ex-employees took the opportunity to catch up with developments and look back at times gone by.
Elsewhere, the construction work continues apace along Uley Road and Union Street in addition to the larger developments of Crest Nicholson and Littlecombe. Uley Street also saw the opening of a new hairdressers' business in the vacant shop near the entrance to the Ferney and further clearance work took place behind the "Warehouse" in May Lane. In Water Street the old swimming pool has now been re roofed and is looking much more respectable after being derelict for over a year. |