April saw a number of events in the town as the weather starts to get
better and summer approaches. BBC local radio ran a travelling roadshow
using a London double decker bus which stopped off at various towns throughout
the county. Dursley was one of them and the bus spent the day in Parsonage
Street from where the afternoon show was broadcast. On April 15th a special
rail tour, using an engine painted like a Hornby model, stopped at Cam
& Dursley station to pick up around 50 travellers who were visiting
Cornwall for the day.
Elsewhere, the Crest-Nicholson development on the old Bymacks site gathers
pace and the footpath from Long Street through to Yellow Hundred has been
reopened allowing residents to take a closer look at some of the new houses.
At the other end of town, progress is being made at the Cam end of the
Lister-Petter Littlecombe site and significant site clearance has begun
to take place. In the midst of all this, Kingshill Lane was temporarily
closed off to allow it be dug up.